Our top tips for taking cat pictures

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Longcroft cute cat pic

If you have ever tried to take pictures of your cat, then you know that it’s a bit like, well, herding cats…

Today we really wanted to share something else with you, but in order to do this we needed some pictures and none of our residents were in the mood for a photo shoot! And for that reason we thought we’d share our top tips for taking cat pictures instead!

Our top tips for taking cat pictures are
Keep your camera handy!
As we were reminded of today, it’s nearly impossible to stage pictures with a cat, so keep your camera charged and handy. You need to be ready to shoot when your cat’s in the mood!

Take a lot of photos!
Sometimes it takes 100 tries to get that one good shot. Here are some examples of our impressive library of photo fails!

Not looking at you
 top tips for taking cat pictures - looking away

A bit too curious
 top tips for taking cat pictures - too close

That’s better
 top tips for taking cat pictures

Be quick!
Play around with your shutter speed or learn to be quick, because your cat certainly is.

 top tips for taking cat pictures - too fast

And, unless you’re preparing for Halloween, don’t forget to turn off that flash!

Spooky eyes
 top tips for taking cat pictures - spooky eyes

So get snapping, and why not share your best (and worst) bits with us? We’d love to see your cat pictures!

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