Meet animal experts and celebrities, including Channel 4’s Supervet Professor Noel Fitzpatrick who will be presenting the Eukanuba Supervet Live, and BBC’s Spring and Autumn Watch presenter Michaela Strachan who is hosting SuperDogs Live. Get up close and personal to find out more about your favourite pet and how to take care of them.
Watch amazing animal performances including pet stars of TV and Film, a wonderful performance to the Lion King by Nimbus the American Miniature Horse with Jack Russells Jack, Jacob and Jessica , birds of prey displays including beautiful owls and SuperDogs Live – with some of the most skilled and heroic dogs in the UK showcasing their talents.
Whether you like dogs, cats, rats, rabbits, reptiles, ponies, fish, chickens or chinchillas (and lots more animals!) – the National Pet Show promises to be a great day out for any animal lover!
Find your way to the wonderful cat zone and come and say hello to the Longcroft Team…